The Apple iPhone 4, as the name suggests, is the fourth generation of Apple’s game-changing smartphone. It’s already garnered far more publicity than the previous three models – if not entirely for the right reasons.
Apple iPhone 4 went on sale on the 24th June 2010. It has became a phenomenon to it's fans. People have waited long hours in lines just to buy it. The price ranged from USD$ 199 for 16GB and USD$299 for 32GB with 2 years contract with AT&T.
Now..not all of us can afford iPhone 4. However i can say this..that all of us have easy access to internet!. Your own computer/notebook, Cybercafe, Friends house, WiFi and so on...
Now you only need an internet access just to have a chance to WIN Apple iPhone 4. I will teach you the secret on how you can get your hand on the seductive iPhone 4.
Default Quickoffice Connect Mobile Suite HD v1.0.0 - IPADQuickoffice Connect Mobile Suite HD v1.0.0 - IPADQuickoffice Connect Mobile Suite for iPadBy Quickoffice, Inc.The Global Leader in Mobile Productivity Solutions*Best of Show Winner – Macworld 2010**Distributed in over 180 countries and over 250 million devices**Over 12 years of developing mobile productivity solutions*"Quickoffice is my overall favorite application thanks to the iPad optimized user experience, Word and Excel import and export capability, easy file management, and reasonable price."- Matthew Miller, ZDNetQuickoffice Connect™ Mobile Suite for iPad® takes mobile productivity to the next level by redesigning our award-winning office suite from the ground up and customizing our application to create an incredible high-definition iPad experience. With our iPad-enhanced mobile office solution, you will have full control of creating, editing, formatting, accessing and sharing Microsoft® Word documents and Excel spreadsheets. Our Connected Filemanager also enables you to remotely access, transfer, share and manage your files on remote storage service providers including MobileMe, Dropbox, Google® Docs, and Box.net. Get the most out of your iPad with our new and stunning mobile office suite - the best experience ever!Quickoffice SmartTouch™ - New and Exclusively designed for iPad!

ColorSplash lets you quickly and easily give photos a dramatic look by converting them to black and white, while keeping your chosen details in color. We specially adapted our best-selling, award-winning iPhone app to the iPad. The beautiful large screen and fast processor make ColorSplash an absolute joy to use!
Use your finger as a brush to "paint" sections of your image black and white, or to bring back the original color. Zooming in and out using the two-finger pinching gesture allows you to work on details with pixel-accuracy.
- A short tutorial video clearly explains how to use the app and all its features.
- Share your edited images with friends via email or by uploading them to Facebook
- Save multiple sessions to resume your work later.
- Undo any number of accidental brush strokes.
- Adjust brush properties such as brush size, softness and opacity.
- An alternative view mode highlights the regions that will remain in color with a red tint. This makes it easier to see and adjust the boundaries between color and black & white regions.
What's new in Version 1.2
bug fixes

DescriptionOsfoora HD for Twitter is a blazing fast and clean twitter client for your iPad. Provides elegant and easy access to all of Twitter's functionalities. Osfoora HD has all the features of Osfoora for iPhone and more.With a gorgeous user interface, multiple account support, optional full landscape mode (customizable), text expander, boxcar support, twitter lists, nearby tweets, and the ability to tweet songs... using twitter becomes a joy!

The Audio Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary defines the vocabulary students need to succeed in high school and beyond. Its entries include more than 2,000 key vocabulary items from the content areas of math, the arts, chemistry, earth science, physics, American and world history, social studies, language arts, and other disciplines, as well as the more general vocabulary used in academic writing and speech, such as "analyze,""derive," and "subsequent." The dictionary also provides Cambridge pre-recorded audio pronunciations and full coverage of the everyday words and phrases students need to know. It is based on extensive Corpus research and developed with the needs of English learners in mind.Features:* Easy-to-understand definitions make the meanings clear.* Full-sentence examples show how English is really used.* Usage notes help students avoid common mistakes.* Word Family and Word Choices boxes help students expand their vocabulary and choose the right word.* Reference Pages provide useful information about geography, science, math, literature, and more.

There's a bug in the current version, where the news are in German instead of english. This is fixed in the new version which I just uploaded to the Apple Review. Meanwhile, you can add a new New Feed Entry, and enter the following URL, to get the standard news back:I'm deeply sorry that I missed to fix this bug early on.*- The App has been listed under "Staff Favorites" on the App Store!*- The App has been listed under "What's Hot" on the App Store!Do you have trouble waking up in the morning? Then WakeLight will ease your pain! This peculiar alarm clock will slowly start displaying a bright, happy picture almost one hour before you have to wake up. This colorful picture, combined with the extraordinary light capabilities of the iPad's display will trick your body and mind into thinking that the sun is going up. This will allow your body to leave the REM sleep phase and prepare for wake up. Then, for the last 5 minutes before your wake up, a charming nature sound (Tweets, Wind, Water) will fade in and finally wake up up.More features:- Displays current news stories on the bottom. So you get a first glance right after waking up.- Also allows you to use your iPad as a beautiful clock- Display up to 6 different Timezones next to your Timezone- Predefine multiple alarms- Relaxing graphics. So that your start into your day is going to be perfect!
Watch live TV on your iPad!
TVU Networks brings you a live TV service with 900 channels from around the world. Now, the same great stuff that you watch on TVU on your PC, is available right here on your iPad through WiFi.
And while at home or at work, make sure you tune in and watch TVU on your desktop, at www.tvunetworks.com
English, Chinese, Telugu, Hindi, Russian, Japanese, Spanish, German, Portuguese, French, Farsi, Tagalog
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPad. Requires iPhone OS 3.2 or later